Knowledge synthesis

Study Design & Conduct

I have extensive experience in designing, conducting, and publishing a wide range of knowledge syntheses, including: umbrella reviews, rapid reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysis/network meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials, as well as more specialized types of reviews, such as reviews of clinical practice guidelines and administrative validation studies.

You can browse through published knowledge synthesis projects that I have helped design, carry out, and/or co-authored by clicking on the drop down menu below. 

Published Knowledge Synthesis Research 

Systematic Reviews


Johnston, A, Dancey, SR, Tseung, V, Skidmore, B, Tanuseputro, P, Smith, G, Coutinho, T, Edwards, J. A Systematic review of validated case definitions to identify hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in administrative healthcare databases. Accepted for publication in Open Heart (June 16, 2023). 


Etherington, N, Deng, M, Boet, S, Johnston, A, Mansour, F, Said, H, Zheng, K, Sun, LY. The impact of physician sex/gender on processes of care, and clinical outcomes in cardiac operative care: A systematic review. BMJ Open 2020;10: e037139. 


Johnston A, Hsieh SC, Carrier M, Kelly, SE, Bai, Z, Skidmore, B, Wells, GA. A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines on the use of low molecular weight heparin and fondaparinux for the treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism: Implications for research and policy decision-making. PLoS One. 2018;13(11).


Evidence Maps


Parry M, Visintini S, Johnston A, Colella TJ, Kapur D, Liblik K, Gomes Z, Dancey S, Liu S, Goodenough C, Hay JL, Noble M, Adreak N, Robert H, Tang N, O'Hara A, Wong A, Mullen KA. Peer-support interventions for women with cardiovascular disease: protocol for synthesising the literature using an evidence map. BMJ Open. 2022 Oct 5;12(10):e067812. 




Johnston, A, Smith, C, Zheng, C, Aaron, S, Kelly, SE, Skidmore, B, Wells, GA. Influence of prolonged treatment with omalizumab on the development of solid epithelial cancer in patients with atopic asthma and chronic idiopathic urticaria: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2019 Oct;49(10):1291-1305. 


Network Meta-Analyses


Zheng, H, Sigal, RJ, Coyle, D, Bai, A, Johnston, A, Elliott, J, Hsieh, S, Kelly, S, Toupin-April, K, Wells, GA. Comparative efficacy and safety of antihyperglycemic classes for patients with type 2 diabetes following failure with metformin monotherapy: an updated systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2022; e3515. 


Elliott, J, Johnston, A, Husereau, D, Kelly, SE, Eagles, E, Charach, A, Hsieh, S, Bai, Z, Hossain, A, Skidmore, B, Tsakonas, E, Chojecki, D, Mamdani, M, Wells, GA. Pharmacologic treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. PLOS ONE 2020; 15(10): e0240584. 


Elliott, J, Kelly, S, Millar, A, Chen, L, Peterson, J, Chen, L, Johnston, A, Kotb, A, Skidmore, B, Bai, Z,  Mamdani, M, Wells, G. Testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2017;7: e015284. 


Rapid Reviews


Johnston, A, Tseung, V, Dancey, SR, Visintini, SM, Coutinho, T, Edwards, JD. Use of race, ethnicity, and national origin in studies assessing cardiovascular risk in women with a history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. CJC Open, 2021; 3(12): S102-S117.


Scoping Reviews


Johnston, A, Natarajan, S, Hayes, M, MacDonald, E, Shorr, R. Accelerated induction regimens of TNF-alpha inhibitors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 2018;8: e019909. 


Umbrella Reviews


Elliott, J, Kelly, S, Johnston, A, Skidmore, B, Gomes, T, Wells, G. Allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma: an overview of systematic reviews. 2017 May 10;5(2):E373-E385.


Methodological Guidance 


Johnston, A, Kelly, S, Skidmore, B, Hsieh, S, Wells, GA. Systematic reviews of clinical practice guidelines: A methodological guide. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2019; 108: 64-76. 

If you are interested in collaborating on a research project, please contact Dr. Johnston via email: